Make a Donation

Your support makes learning and growing possible.

Amazing things are happening every day at Warren Glen Academy. Making a donation means you are empowering the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and doers. Every gift has an immediate impact on our students, providing them with the tools they need to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Your donation allows for the immediate needs of curricular and co-curricular needs, including technology, life science, counseling, student activities, and much more.

Given the restrictions forced upon all of us by the pandemic, Warren Glen Academy is unable to host our traditional tricky tray event. There are no cost savings with remote education and we need your participation to continue to provide the highest quality education and services possible.

Be a part of our winning team, something bigger than yourselves.

We are asking every family whose students are currently enrolled to participate to the level they are capable and comfortable contributing.

“Your donation is really an investment in the future of a student, and that investment is worth it.”

Happy student posing

Here are some other ways to financially assist Warren Glen Academy

Box Tops is a popular fund raising program that is now even easier, with no more coupon clipping.
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Consider selecting Warren Glen Academy (Elnorah Inc.) as the charitable organization you’d like to support. Your Amazon purchases will generate a 0.5% donation on eligible purchases.

And don’t forget about the annual Warren Glen Academy Tricky Tray.

WGA Logo 3C LowRes for Digital-01

Your child deserves to be accepted and seen for who they are. At Warren Glen Academy they will be.

Sept–June 8:15AM to 2:15PM

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