No Costs

We receive many phone calls and questions pertaining to tuition at Warren Glen Academy. As noted previously, there is never any tuition cost to you or your child. Students are referred to the Warren Glen Academy in collaboration with the Child Study Team and parents of the child from the sending school district; the child’s home school district is responsible for the tuition of the child attending. Fund raising campaigns, grants, and donations help Warren Glen Academy provide additional services beyond those for which home districts are obligated to pay.

All special education services—including placement in a private school—are funded through a combination of federal, state and local tax dollars.

While private special education schools are sometimes referred to as an expensive alternative, research has shown the total cost to taxpayers to be less than many “in district” placements and services.

The tuition rate at Warren Glen Academy is determined and set by the N.J. Department of Education based on actual expenditures needed to provide a quality education for your child. It is a violation of state and federal law for districts to make placement decisions solely on the basis of cost. A program must be individualized and appropriate for your child, regardless of cost.

The New Jersey Department of Education provides a detailed document on Parental Rights in Special Education (PRISE). Click on the icon to download it.

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Your child deserves to be accepted and seen for who they are. At Warren Glen Academy they will be.

Sept–June 8:15AM to 2:15PM

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