Water Testing










October 18, 2024

RE: mandated water testing


Dear Parents/Guardians,

On September 18 and again on November 1,2024, the Pace Analytical Services, Inc. conducted our mandated annual water testing at Warren Glen Academy for lead and other mineral deposits. One non-drinking faucet was found to be out of compliance and corrected with the installation of a micro filter for remediation. A follow-up test showed “non-detectable deposits” resulting in no further remediation necessary.






Dr. Randy Pratt
Executive Director

Expanding Horizons for Diverse Learners


Analysis Results

Click the icon to download the Analysis Report (PDF)

Certificate of Analysis

Click the icon to download the Certificate of Analysis (PDF)










January 19, 2022

RE: water testing update for lead


Dear Parents/Guardians,

On December 9, 2021, Agra Environmental and Laboratory Services, Inc. conducted its next water testing phase.

This testing is the latest required since the last required test of July 2017. The initial remediation in 2017 made improvements by replacing faucets, piping, and valves. In addition, we maintain the annual replacement of filters on all drinking fountains, which provide further purification.

The latest testing found no elevated levels of lead. To view the results of this test, please visit our website wwww.warrenglenacademy.com. It is also available in the business manager’s office.





Dr. Randy Pratt
Executive Director

Expanding Horizons for Diverse Learners




Click on the icon to download the analysis report.










45 County Road 519
Bloomsbury, NJ 08804
Tel: 908.995.1995 Fax: 908-995-1994



August 11, 2017


RE: water testing update for lead


Dear Parents/Guardians,

On July 21st the Agra Environmental and Laboratory Services, Inc. conducted its next phase of water testing of the Stepping Stone School (now the Warren Glen Academy) after improvements to the school by replacing faucets, piping, and valves. Additionally, filters on all drinking fountains provide extra remediation.

Repeat testing found no elevated levels of lead. The results of this test can be obtained on our website wwww.warrenglenacademy.com or in the business manager’s office.






Dr. Randy Pratt
Executive Director




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Your child deserves to be accepted and seen for who they are. At Warren Glen Academy they will be.

Sept–June 8:15AM to 2:15PM

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