Warren Glen Academy
Our Programs
Warren Glen Academy provides individualized instruction and adaptive learning opportunities to students across a wide spectrum of abilities. Students who have struggled in traditional classroom settings, special education classrooms, or resource centers, experience a higher level of academic engagement and personal success at Warren Glen Academy.

Our elementary programs focus on key core curriculum subjects but also introduces life skills, industrial arts, and world language/culture studies.
English Language Arts
- Phonemic Awareness / Phonology
- Basic Sight Vocabulary
- Reading Comprehension
- Grammar and Usage
- Punctuation and Capitalization
- Spelling
- Handwriting
Social Studies
- Government
- Geography
- History and Culture
- Economics and Technology
- Number System
- Operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)
- Fractions
- Measurements (Time, Money, Linear, Volume, Weight)
- Geometry
- Problem Solving
World Language/Cultures
- Italian
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- German
- French
- Sign Language (ASL)
Life Studies
- Fine Arts
- Physical Education
- Health and Wellness
- Technology
- Industrial Arts
- Life Skills (Cooking, Gardening)
- Social Skills/Behavior Management
- Life Science
- Physical Science
- Earth Science
- Application of Science

Our middle school program builds on the existing key core curriculum subjects introduced in elementary by advancing the subject matter depth, plus introducing technology and literature.
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
Language Arts
- Composition
- Grammar and Usuage
- Capitalization and Puncuation
- Study Skills
Social Studies
- U.S. Government
- World Geography
- World History
- Physical Science
- Earth Science
- Pre-Algebra
- Operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplicaton
- Decimals, fractions, and percents
- Proportions and ratios
- Metric and customary measurements
- Geometry
- Graphs and probability
- Algebra
Physical Education
- Computers
- iPads & Tablets
- 3-D Printing
- Robotics
World Language
- Spanish
- German
- French
- Portuguese
- Italian
- Health
- Industrial Arts
Cooking / Gardening
Life Skills
Social Skills / Behavior Management
- Individual
- Group

The goal of the high school curriculum is to increase the scope of the courses, while providing students the tools necessary for college, vocational school, or other continuing education programs.
- English I
- English II
- English III
- English IV
- US History I
- US History II
- World History / Cultures I
- World History / Cultures II
- Sociology
- Civics and US Government
- Basic Skills/Consumer Mathematics
- Pre-Algebra
- Algebra I
- Algebra II
- Geometry
- Pre-Calculus
- Calculus
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Human Anatomy
World Language
- Spanish I
- Spanish II
- German I
- German II
- French I
- French II
- Basic Sign Language
- Advanced Sign Language
Health and Physical Education
- Health and Physical Education I
- Health and Physical Education II
- Heath and Physical Education III
- Heath and Physical Education IV
- Food and Nutrition
- Drivers Education (30 hours)
- Computer Literacy
- Computer Programming and Technology
- Digital Media
- Robotics
- 3-D Printing
- Microsoft Word/Publisher/Outlook/PowerPoint/Excel
- Financial Literacy
- Cooking / Home Economics
- Visual and Performing Arts I
- Visual and Performing Arts II
- Industrial Arts
- Character Education
- School to Careers and College
- Social Skills/Behavior Management/Accountability

Today, it seems, everything in education is changing daily. Warren Glen Academy is planning on hosting summer instruction, however, many of the out of school activities are being reevaluated.
The one thing that might be of value is that Warren Glen Academy is planning on having “in school instruction” over the summer, which has become an important point for many parents. Stay tuned, as after the Easter break our plans for ESY will be finalized.
Warren Glen Academy offers a five-hour a day Extended School Year (ESY) program that runs for 30 consecutive week days begin July 1st and run to August 13th (9:00 AM to 1:00 PM). As outlined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), ESY is an educational program that exists beyond the traditional 180 day school year and is available to students with disabilities.
The goal of the ESY program is to provide students with structure and support-academically, emotionally, adaptively, behaviorally and socially to help maintain and promote the progress made during the school year. The ESY program follows the student’s goals and objectives as defined in their Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Our Extended School Year program helps maintain a student’s progress of knowledge, learning, social interaction and proper behavioral skills achieved. We offer opportunities for students to excel and enjoy the diversity of programs offered. Emerging skills are further enhanced for students success and achievement. The decision of students attending the ESY program is made in collaboration with the child study team and parent on a yearly basis.
Our six-week program provides continued counseling, academic support, therapeutic recreation, and exposure to a school-wide behavioral system similar to the system using during the school year. The program is staffed by certified Warren Glen Academy staff members as well as additional experienced professionals who are knowledgeable with the needs of the children attending.
- Math
- Art
- Reading
- Horticulture
- Language Arts
- Culinary
- Technology
- Science*
- Social Studies*
- World Language*
*These subjects are integrated throughout the program.
Counseling & Related Services
- Individual Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Social Skills Group
- Problem Solving
- Nursing Services
- Speech Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Anger Management Group
- Community
- Socialization
Activities (a Sampling)
- Walters Park Pool
- Warren Lanes-Bowling
- Bridgewater Sports Arena (ice skating/ laser tag)
- Warren County Fair
- Pax Amicus Castle
- Merrill Creek
- Stephens State Park
- Crystal Cave
- Restaurants/ Ice Cream Trips
- Pequest Fish Hatchery
- Bounce U
- Chuck E Cheese
- Tomahawk Lake (waterslides/ swimming)
- Hibachi Grill
- Lost River Caverns
- New Jersey State Park
- Lehigh Valley Zoo
- Fun Plex
- Liberty Science Center
- Canal Museum
- Raptor Trust
- Muhlenburg College Theater